Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Field trip

I went on a field trip to Lansing with the whole third grade.  The first place we went was the capital building.  In the capital building we got to see the governor's office.  We also found out that the tiles had fossils in them.  After the capital building we went to a museum.  At the museum we did a scavenger hunt with our group.  On the scavenger hunt we went thru a classroom that showed what it was like to be in school back then.  The scavenger hunt took a long time.  On the scavenger hunt we had to go thru a very dark cave.  There was also another place that showed what your kitchen would have looked like, it was so small.  One more thing their was is a hall with native american stuff.   There was real animal fur that you could touch.  I had a really fun time.

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